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Aktuelle Version von: Taylor Arnicar

Original-Beitrag von::

-Searching around, I found [http://www.devicemanuals.com/company/Baby%20Lock-manuals.html|this site] which has all of the service and repair manuals for Baby Lock sewing machines.
+Like I said in my comment, I don't know the first thing about embroidery machines myself, but searching around, I found [http://www.devicemanuals.com/company/Baby%20Lock-manuals.html|this site] which has all of the service and repair manuals for Baby Lock sewing machines, and I think [http://www.devicemanuals.com/guide/Sewing%20Machine/Baby%20Lock/Baby-Lock-Ellegante-2-BLG2-Sewing-Machine-Instruction-==TVRVMU5EQXo=.html|this one is most relevant to you].



Original-Beitrag von: Taylor Arnicar

Original-Beitrag von::

Searching around, I found [http://www.devicemanuals.com/company/Baby%20Lock-manuals.html|this site] which has all of the service and repair manuals for Baby Lock sewing machines.

