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Aktuelle Version von: shivaadm

Original-Beitrag von::

I installed a Hynix DDR2 800mhz 2X4Gb ... The Mac reads it a 8gb installed. No Issues. I am doing a memtest and it access all the ram up to 7.98 GB which so far shows OK results and i am still waiting for the check to completely finish. The only thing is that when i open Youtube videos.. the imac slows down to the state of hanging. But it is a flash problem which i will address by following the procedures in other forums. It is a html5 problem and maybe can be corrected in due time. However, other apps run swiftly.
So i guess it is not an issue. Lets wait and see what the test says.
+=== Update (08/09/2015) ===
+Hi Guys, Sorry for the late reply. I only got the email from this forum site today.
+CONFIRMED that only 6GB of RAM works perfectly. 8 GB sends the system to an unknown abyss of darkness! LOL ...
+@atroys - Hynix from Hong Kong
+@bobhdeleon - Answered above



Original-Beitrag von: shivaadm

Original-Beitrag von::


I installed a Hynix DDR2 800mhz 2X4Gb ... The Mac reads it a 8gb installed. No Issues. I am doing a memtest and it access all the ram up to 7.98 GB which so far shows OK results and i am still waiting for the check to completely finish. The only thing is that when i open Youtube videos.. the imac slows down to the state of hanging. But it is a flash problem which i will address by following the procedures in other forums. It is a html5 problem and maybe can be corrected in due time. However, other apps run swiftly.

So i guess it is not an issue. Lets wait and see what the test says.


