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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-a1challenged yes it can. check the power supply not just for voltage but frequency as well. It should be 50/60hZ. Post an image of your power supply with your question to verify. Use [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+images+to+an+existing+question/21499|this guide] to do so
+a1challenged yes it can. Always check a power supply not just for voltage but frequency as well. Yours is a 110/220V and it should be 50/60hZ. Post an image of your power supply with your question to verify. Use [guide|21499|this guide] to do so



Bearbeitet von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-a1challenged yes it can. check the power supply not just for voltage but frequency as well. It should be 50/60hZ. Post an image of your power supply with your question to verify.
+a1challenged yes it can. check the power supply not just for voltage but frequency as well. It should be 50/60hZ. Post an image of your power supply with your question to verify. Use [https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+images+to+an+existing+question/21499|this guide] to do so



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

a1challenged yes it can. check the power supply not just for voltage but frequency as well. It should be 50/60hZ. Post an image of your power supply with your question to verify.

