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Original-Beitrag von: Tabitha Shadle


Washer not agitating or spinning

Original-Beitrag von::

I have a GE top loading washer, model #WJSR4160G2WW, recently it has stopped agitating and spinning, it fills as normal, and then makes sounds like it might want to agitate or spin, but it doesn't, and then it will drain as much as it can without spinning water out of the clothes, and they come out soaking wet. We have replaced the door assembly, and checked the belt, it is fine and intact. I will be the first to admit that I am not the most mechanically inclined person, but I am hoping I can fix it myself. I was thinking maybe it was the door magnet, because there is no click when I open the door up, but I am not sure. Please help, I do not have money to hire someone or to buy a new one. Thanks!!!


GE Washing Machine

