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Original-Beitrag von: bobbiemolle

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I did bypass the fuse j11 and it has been perfect ever since, I bypassed it with some 6amp stranded copper wire to test its functionality.

Once proved that it worked for a few days, I then replaced it with some 1.5mm solid copper core insulated cable to make sure that would never be a weak link again.

It has been perfect, and I use the Kinect daily now, and also heavy duty usage  for my own stream twitch casting.

I am an ex-military technical engineer and domestic electrician, I am fully aware of any risks.

It will be fine, besides any faults and your power brick will let you know and at worst your Kinect will just stop working given the minimal current that passes through the j11 fuse (which is tiny)

I can only assume that the j11 fuses that they originally used in the kinects were faulty,

so I would either suggest try to replace with a fuse of the same spec or (at your own risk of breaking your Kinect) just use my method.

I will probably replace it when I get round to it with a correct fuse but until then after 3 months of heavy use and never being shut down, I have total faith in the fix.

Is I said, it is perfect now. :)

