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Aktuelle Version von: Bazzoni


Touch ID not working after screen replacement

Original-Beitrag von::

Simple to do, about 20 mins, but Touch ID isnt working as some others mentioned.  I wondered if a fresh instal might help?  When I go into "Setting" and " Touch ID" to turn on, it tells me "Failed - Unable to complete Touch ID setup.  Please go back and try again."  Any ideas,  not a deal breaker, I guess it beats picking glass out of the side of my face when trying to use the phone!


iPhone 6 Plus



Akzeptierte Antwort:


Bearbeitet von: Evan Noronha


-No Title (You should edit this question)
+Touch ID not working after screen replacement

Original-Beitrag von::

Simple to do, about 20 mins, but Touch ID isnt working as some others mentioned.  I wondered if a fresh instal might help?  When I go into "Setting" and " Touch ID" to turn on, it tells me "Failed - Unable to complete Touch ID setup.  Please go back and try again."  Any ideas,  not a deal breaker, I guess it beats picking glass out of the side of my face when trying to use the phone!


-No Device
+iPhone 6 Plus



Original-Beitrag von: Bazzoni


No Title (You should edit this question)

Original-Beitrag von::

Simple to do, about 20 mins, but Touch ID isnt working as some others mentioned.  I wondered if a fresh instal might help?  When I go into "Setting" and " Touch ID" to turn on, it tells me "Failed - Unable to complete Touch ID setup.  Please go back and try again."  Any ideas,  not a deal breaker, I guess it beats picking glass out of the side of my face when trying to use the phone!


No Device

