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Original-Beitrag von: Steve Dillon


Camera tilt issue when powered up.

Original-Beitrag von::

I have an interesting problem that I can't seem to find an answer to. When I turn my drone on the camera initializes but when it goes to raise up to the 90° spot it starts pulsing at about 110 to 120° like it can't catch, then once it goes below that it just flops down like it has  no power.    When I manually bring it up it then begins working correctly, and it will stay that way till camera tilt back down again.

It was not in a crash but I do think it was upgraded when this started happening. I try to revert back to previous software but it still did it. Does anyone have an answer as to where I can start looking for this problem?

Thank you


DJI phantom 2 Vision Plus

