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Aktuelle Version von: OzarkMtbr

Original-Beitrag von::

My phone did this same thing today. Just went black and I could not wake it. Charging it provided no response. I plugged it into my computer and no response and the computer did not see that the phone was connected.
-I found on the Apple website to try holding down the power button and home key simultaneously for 15 seconds. I worked !!! My phone woke up and so far has been working fine. Maybe your issue is similar.
+I found on the Apple website to try holding down the power button and home key simultaneously for 15 seconds. It worked !!! My phone woke up and so far has been working fine. Maybe others are having a similar issue.



Original-Beitrag von: OzarkMtbr

Original-Beitrag von::

My phone did this same thing today.  Just went black and I could not wake it.  Charging it provided no response.  I plugged it into my computer and no response and the computer did not see that the phone was connected.

I found on the Apple website to try holding down the power button and home key simultaneously for 15 seconds.  I worked !!!  My phone woke up and so far has been working fine.  Maybe your issue is similar.

