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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

My tablet does turn on I can hear the sound but the screen is just to a navy blue paralyzed state I don't know what to do I am leaving New York on Wednesday and I need it to work now or tomorrow please help
+=== Update (07/31/2017) ===
-=== Update (07/31/2017) ===
-[image|1168111] not turning on I don't know why
+not turning on I don't know why



Bearbeitet von: Gabby

Original-Beitrag von::

My tablet does turn on I can hear the sound but the screen is just to a navy blue paralyzed state I don't know what to do I am leaving New York on Wednesday and I need it to work now or tomorrow please help
+=== Update (07/31/2017) ===
+[image|1168111] not turning on I don't know why



Bearbeitet von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

-My tablet does turn on I can hear the sound but the screen is just to a navy blue paralyzed state I don't know what to do I am leaving New York on Wednesday and I need it to work now or tomorrow please help
+My tablet does turn on I can hear the sound but the screen is just to a navy blue paralyzed state I don't know what to do I am leaving New York on Wednesday and I need it to work now or tomorrow please help



Original-Beitrag von: Gabby

Original-Beitrag von::

My tablet does turn on I can hear the sound but the screen is just to a navy blue paralyzed state I don't know what to do I am leaving New York on Wednesday and I need it to work now or tomorrow please help 

