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Aktuelle Version von: Akash

Original-Beitrag von::

-That is not the faults of software problem.I heartily says that is the fault of hardware.Sometime hard brick or the mistake of technicians while insert lcd. While fix lcd the long screw makes the track cut and result that problems.Here i wish to share[https://goo.gl/kc40RW|the common repair mistake to warn while repair any iDevice].
+That is not the faults of software problem.I heartily says that is the fault of hardware.Sometime hard brick or the mistake of technicians while insert lcd. While fix lcd the long screw makes the track cut and causes that problems.Here i wish to share[https://goo.gl/kc40RW|the common repair mistake to warn while repair any iDevice].



Original-Beitrag von: Akash

Original-Beitrag von::

That is not the faults of software problem.I heartily says that is the fault of hardware.Sometime hard brick or the mistake of technicians while insert lcd. While fix lcd the long screw makes the track cut and result that problems.Here i wish to share[https://goo.gl/kc40RW|the common repair mistake to warn while repair any iDevice].

