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Aktuelle Version von: Neil Davis

Original-Beitrag von::

I have a theory.
-If there's no danger present and it doesn't work after powering up... Give it 15 minutes.
+If there's no damage present and it doesn't work after powering up... Give it 15 minutes.
I'm finding recently that after a battery disconnect it is taking the home button a while to initialise.
This could be misinterpreted as a damaged button.
After a while it'll work.



Original-Beitrag von: Neil Davis

Original-Beitrag von::

I have a theory.

If there's no danger present and it doesn't work after powering up... Give it 15 minutes.

I'm finding recently that after a battery disconnect it is taking the home button a while to initialise.

This could be misinterpreted as a damaged button.

After a while it'll work.

