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Aktuelle Version von: ULEES

Original-Beitrag von::

-bus speed depends on cpu and motherboard. If you exceed the maximum supported bus speed it sometimes works. If you are buyind a new cpu you should look in the supported cpu list for specific motherboard.
+bus speed depends on CPU and motherboard. If you exceed the maximum supported bus speed of your motherboard it sometimes works (most mother boards don't support that's why they have CPU supported lists for them). If you are buying a new CPU you should look in the CPU supported list for specific motherboard.
I hope this answers your question if not message me.



Original-Beitrag von: ULEES

Original-Beitrag von::


bus speed depends on cpu and motherboard. If you exceed the maximum  supported bus speed it sometimes works. If you are buyind a new cpu you should look in the supported cpu list for specific motherboard.

I hope this answers your question if not message me.

