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Original-Beitrag von: titikhan

Original-Beitrag von::

Hey I've ordered a soundcore pro for a bargain price of 35€ on ali, got it after 3 week cool, but the device wasn't behvaing properly when plugged for charging. 1st light blinking, 2nd and 4th off 3rd half light..well a bad one.  I got refunded quickly(with video proof) 100% without shipping . I knew there were some issues with this product  before i ordered but the low price on it  got me.. Im still happy because I own a soundcore2 that works pretty good I just wanted to level up.

Then after I got my refund without the need to send it back, I opened it and I found that the voltage reaching the  power logic card was 0v ..then I picked the tension out of the battery and it was 6.3v smtg.. even it the wires were soldered to it and it comes that the (-wire)  wasn't connected properly so I cut it and soldered where  I could find a current.. Then guess what all the other parts turned from 0v to 6.3v.

Then I managed to power on the device but i had to get my finger on power button for the device to keep on.. if i removed it , it would shut down so I made a short circuit on that power button like a permanent switch.. And it could get on forever.

Now it works only with jack , bluetooth won't do anything . Charge indicators still not working still the 1st blinking and 3rd on.. permaplugged on usb, I'll try to get a charge on it and use it without usb but I still won't get any indication about its level.

Well I part repaired it.. but yeah it was crappy made. But not angry against Anker. They tried to make a good product for cheap and got f***ed up by their manufacturer.

