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Aktuelle Version von: mayer

Original-Beitrag von::

First thing to do is get the drive out open it up and take the disk out.
-There not a lot of “testing” to be done here. This is a very common failure on a machine this old and replacement drives are cheap.
+There not a lot of “testing” to be done here. This is a very common failure on a machine this old and replacement drives are cheap. When I say cheap I’m not talking about iFixit prices on this (which are not cheap).



Bearbeitet von: mayer

Original-Beitrag von::

First thing to do is get the drive out open it up and take the disk out.
+There not a lot of “testing” to be done here. This is a very common failure on a machine this old and replacement drives are cheap.



Original-Beitrag von: mayer

Original-Beitrag von::

First thing to do is get the drive out open it up and take the disk out.

