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Original-Beitrag von: Jarek

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I have a problem, friend gave me laptop that is i mint condition compared to others I have in home.[br]

Sadly it turns off about second, time is so short that even fan doesnt start during that short period, even no display at all. Used it’s rams in  my older laptop, they work as intendent, switched cmos battery to new, were trying to launch with battery and AC, battery alone ane. New baterry didn’t make it run, no. Dunno any more solutions, checked voltage on AC/DC adapter. I wont it badly to work, will allow me for running multiple tasks at same time, intsead  of my old laptop that is totally usscrewed and lies on 4 bottle caps to not overheatmI can play anarchy onlie for hours using 4 accounts at once with weak machine. There are no blink codes on that new laptop, and its pretty fancy for me, touchpads for sterring most of thing, like volumefront side jack panels etc, just cant get it to launch, any ideas?

