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Original-Beitrag von: Jenn Dcosta

Original-Beitrag von::

Yeah, something might be draining the battery. Try these things.[br]

1) Turn vibration off for notifications as vibrations need more power to get operated[br]

2) Turn off Bluetooth, data and other connectives when not in use[br]

3) Do not charge your phone overnight as it reduces battery life[br]

4) Use cache clearing apps to clean up RAM and background Apps[br]

There are quite number of tips that you can follow.  You can check this link which I found best https://www.pricekart.com/blog/tricks-to-save-battery-power-few-hours-more  [br]


'''Suggestion:''' If your phone battery drains very frequently even after following above tips then it is the time to replace the battery with a new battery. Make sure the new battery is original and branded.

