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Aktuelle Version von: Christian Herget

Original-Beitrag von::

-The lead of the Thermistor on the Hydro-Stat-Modul of my Duracraft DD-TEC10NE has been corroded to the point that it didn’t made any contact anymore. Please see the following picture:
+The lead of the Thermistor on the Hydro-Stat-Modul of my Duracraft DD-TEC10NE has been corroded to the point that it didn’t made contact anymore. Please see the following picture:
I cut away the corroded part of the Thermistor leads and put it back in. Now it is fixed and seems to be working just fine again.



Original-Beitrag von: Christian Herget

Original-Beitrag von::

The lead of the Thermistor on the Hydro-Stat-Modul of my Duracraft DD-TEC10NE has been corroded to the point that it didn’t made any contact anymore. Please see the following picture:


I cut away the corroded part of the Thermistor leads and put it back in. Now it is fixed and seems to be working just fine again.

