My device was not charging, got a new device from Anker 3 days later. I disassembled the broken device. There are 2x16850 batteries in parallel (1S2P config) and a small protection PCB between them with blue shrink tube all around the pack. I replaced the protection PCB with a new one (8205a type, 5A) and it worked again. Unfortunately, could not fit it back into the small case again, so built a new one from nylon slats and gaffer tape^^
My device was not charging, got a new device from Anker 3 days later. I disassembled the broken device. There are 2x16850 batteries in parallel (1S2P config) and a small protection PCB between them with blue shrink tube all around the pack. I replaced the protection PCB with a new one (8205a type, 5A) and it worked again. Unfortunately, could not fit it back into the small case again, so built a new one from nylon slats and gaffer tape^^
My device was not charging, got a new device from Anker 3 daya later. I disassembled the broken device. There are 2x16850 batteries in parallel (1S2P config) and a small protection PCB between them with blue shrink tube all around the pack. I replaced the protection PCB with a new one (8205a type, 5A) and it worked again. Unfortunately, could not fit it back into the small case again, so built a new one from nylon slats and gaffer tape^^
My device was not charging, got a new device from Anker 3 days later. I disassembled the broken device. There are 2x16850 batteries in parallel (1S2P config) and a small protection PCB between them with blue shrink tube all around the pack. I replaced the protection PCB with a new one (8205a type, 5A) and it worked again. Unfortunately, could not fit it back into the small case again, so built a new one from nylon slats and gaffer tape^^
My device was not charging, got a new device from Anker 3 daya later. I disassembled the broken device. There are 2x16850 batteries in parallel (1S2P config) and a small protection PCB between them with blue shrink tube all around the pack. I replaced the protection PCB with a new one (8205a type, 5A) and it worked again. Unfortunately, could not fit it back into the small case again, so built a new one from nylon slats and gaffer tape^^