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Aktuelle Version von: mayer

Original-Beitrag von::

10.4.11 was the last operating system that allowed classic mode. For a straight boot from OS 9, the last machine to do it was the 2003 Power Mac G4 1.25.
Your best shot will be to find a Retail version Tiger 10.4 of the install DVD on eBay.
+Look on the bottom of the stand and tell us exactly which one it is.



Original-Beitrag von: mayer

Original-Beitrag von::

10.4.11 was the last operating system that allowed classic mode. For a straight boot from OS 9, the last machine to do it was the 2003 Power Mac G4 1.25.

Your best shot will be to find a Retail version Tiger 10.4 of the install DVD on eBay.

