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Aktuelle Version von: Seshan Ravikumar

Original-Beitrag von::

This is normal. The Mac is designed to auto start when you press any key.
Just hold down Shift+Option+Control when the laptop is off for 7 seconds. It will turn on. After 7 seconds keep holding the keys down and additionally press the power button (Touch ID). The laptop will turn off. Wait a few seconds then turn it on normally, and your SMC should be reset!
+See: https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT201295#t2



Original-Beitrag von: Seshan Ravikumar

Original-Beitrag von::

This is normal. The Mac is designed to auto start when you press any key.

Just hold down Shift+Option+Control when the laptop is off for 7 seconds. It will turn on. After 7 seconds keep holding the keys down and additionally press the power button (Touch ID). The laptop will turn off. Wait a few seconds then turn it on normally, and your SMC should be reset!

