@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
Thanks again @Wolfson I managed to run a jumper after removing the battery connector and resoldering it to the PCB. Worked like a charm as the two that were ripped off the board were both ground connections Image of repair here and I owe you a beer :)
GND jumper wire connecting two pins and then to GND of IC on other side of board
GND pin on IC on other side of board
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod but just ordered one to confirm (if this link goes dead just search for iPod 5th gen battery connector on FleaBay https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/iPod-Video-Classic-5th-5-5-6th-7th-Gen-Battery-Logic-Board-Connector-/363161022679?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod. (if this link goes dead just search for iPod 5th gen battery connector on FleaBay) https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/iPod-Video-Classic-5th-5-5-6th-7th-Gen-Battery-Logic-Board-Connector-/363161022679?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0
Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKKxK_PdcI
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
Thanks again @Wolfson I managed to run a jumper after removing the battery connector and resoldering it to the PCB. Worked like a charm as the two that were ripped off the board were both ground connections Image of repair here and I owe you a beer :)
GND jumper wire connecting two pins and then to GND of IC on other side of board
GND pin on IC on other side of board
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod but just ordered one to confirm (if this link goes dead just search for iPod 5th gen battery connector on FleaBay https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/iPod-Video-Classic-5th-5-5-6th-7th-Gen-Battery-Logic-Board-Connector-/363161022679?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0
Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKKxK_PdcI
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
Thanks again @Wolfson I managed to run a jumper after removing the battery connector and resoldering it to the PCB. Worked like a charm as the two that were ripped off the board were both ground connections Image of repair here and I owe you a beer :)
GND jumper wire connecting two pins and then to GND of IC on other side of board
GND pin on IC on other side of board
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod but just ordered one to confirm https://www.ebay.com.au/i/323651290234?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&itemid=323651290234&targetid=836492011337&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071949&poi=&campaignid=7787616390&mkgroupid=81654227946&rlsatarget=pla-836492011337&abcId=578876&merchantid=119058601&gclid=CjwKCAiA5JnuBRA-EiwA-0ggPbcb2RQB_d41_jkav7BE24x99sJVqf9v7DM1vRwRLMsYB5LH8lIExBoCjmYQAvD_BwE
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod but just ordered one to confirm (if this link goes dead just search for iPod 5th gen battery connector on FleaBay https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/iPod-Video-Classic-5th-5-5-6th-7th-Gen-Battery-Logic-Board-Connector-/363161022679?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0
Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKKxK_PdcI
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
Thanks again @Wolfson I managed to run a jumper after removing the battery connector and resoldering it to the PCB. Worked like a charm as the two that were ripped off the board were both ground connections Image of repair here and I owe you a beer :)
GND jumper wire connecting two pins and then to GND of IC on other side of board
GND pin on IC on other side of board
I found new battery sockets here and I am pretty sure that it’s the same as this 5th Gen Ipod but just ordered one to confirm https://www.ebay.com.au/i/323651290234?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&itemid=323651290234&targetid=836492011337&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9071949&poi=&campaignid=7787616390&mkgroupid=81654227946&rlsatarget=pla-836492011337&abcId=578876&merchantid=119058601&gclid=CjwKCAiA5JnuBRA-EiwA-0ggPbcb2RQB_d41_jkav7BE24x99sJVqf9v7DM1vRwRLMsYB5LH8lIExBoCjmYQAvD_BwE
Video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYKKxK_PdcI
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
Thanks again @Wolfson I managed to run a jumper after removing the battery connector and resoldering it to the PCB. Worked like a charm as the two that were ripped off the board were both ground connections Image of repair here and I owe you a beer :)
GND jumper wire connecting two pins and then to GND of IC on other side of board
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and them thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and then thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member
@Wolfson. Great detective work my Man :) I ripped one pin of the battery connector from the board and so I appreciate you tracing out where the pins go to as I may be able to superglue that one pin to the board and run a fine magnet wire to where you kindly showed me it goes. I will give it a try over the Christmas holidays and report back with my progress good or bad. We appreciate the time that you took to do this and them thoroughly document it so well complete with many photos. You are a good Ifixit member