@turon1 it’s teh flexing that has caused a disconnect of the ribbon cables to the LCD. You will need to replace the hinges, the LCD and possible the top cover. Not a bad repair and I would recommend that repair, no reason to buy a new laptop since your is definitely fixable.
@turon1 it’s teh flexing that has caused a disconnect of the ribbon cables to the LCD. You will need to replace the hinges, the LCD and possible the top cover. Not a bad repair and I would recommend that repair, no reason to buy a new laptop since your is definitely fixable. Something like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm_sLtqkOus |this video] will help you out.
@turon1 it’s teh flexing that has caused a disconnect of the ribbon cables to the LCD. You will need to replace the hinges, the LCD and possible the top cover. Not a bad repair and I would recommend that repair, no reason to buy a new laptop since your is definitely fixable.