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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

ok..here it goes for the whole world..
The problem was that PQ1 was bad. Is located next to the PCN1 "where the power jack connects to the motherboard next to the memory". PQ1 is a P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET P#: FDS6675BZ. you have to replaced it and the problem has to be solved.
-one important thing is that if your not qualify to do this kind of job..you have to pay for somebody else to do it...this was yermo13@yahoo.com
+one important thing is that if your not qualify to do this kind of job..you have to pay for somebody else to do it...



Original-Beitrag von: yermo azmodii

Original-Beitrag von::

ok..here it goes for the whole world..

The problem was that PQ1 was bad. Is located next to the PCN1 "where the power jack connects to the motherboard next to the memory". PQ1 is a P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET P#: FDS6675BZ. you have to  replaced it and the problem has to be solved.

one important thing is that if your not qualify to do this kind of job..you have to pay for somebody else to do it...this was yermo13@yahoo.com

