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Aktuelle Version von: Nick


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community.
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.
The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them.
It boils down to a logic board issue.
=== Fine otherwise ===
The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it.
It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily.
So iFixit community, what would you do?
+== UPDATE ==
Saddly the problem does show up with external displays. Using it as a headless server is decent idea I also came across a thread on the apple discussion forums about someone with similar issues who took it apart and found that excess thermal paste and tape where blocking up the airflow.
So that's my next step.
Thank you for your suggestions Karl.
much obliged.


MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo Model A1150



Akzeptierte Antwort:


Bearbeitet von: iRobot


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community. 
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.

The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them. 

It boils down to a logic board issue. 

=== Fine otherwise ===
The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it. 

It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily. 

So iFixit community, what would you do?

Saddly the problem does show  up with external displays. Using it as a headless server is decent idea I also came across a thread on the apple discussion forums about someone with similar issues who took it apart and found that excess thermal paste and tape where blocking up the airflow. 
So that's my next step.
Thank you for your suggestions Karl.
much obliged.


-MacBook Pro 15" Model A1150
+MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo Model A1150



Akzeptierte Antwort:


Bearbeitet von: iRobot


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community. 
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.

The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them. 

It boils down to a logic board issue. 

=== Fine otherwise ===
The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it. 

It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily. 

So iFixit community, what would you do?

Saddly the problem does show  up with external displays. Using it as a headless server is decent idea I also came across a thread on the apple discussion forums about someone with similar issues who took it apart and found that excess thermal paste and tape where blocking up the airflow. 
So that's my next step.
Thank you for your suggestions Karl.
much obliged.


MacBook Pro 15" Model A1150



Akzeptierte Antwort:


Bearbeitet von: Ben Eisenman


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community.
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.
The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them.
It boils down to a logic board issue.
=== Fine otherwise ===
The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it.
It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily.
So iFixit community, what would you do?
Saddly the problem does show up with external displays. Using it as a headless server is decent idea I also came across a thread on the apple discussion forums about someone with similar issues who took it apart and found that excess thermal paste and tape where blocking up the airflow.
So that's my next step.
Thank you for your suggestions Karl.
much obliged.


-MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo
+MacBook Pro 15" Model A1150



Bearbeitet von: stitchrobot


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community.
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.
The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them.
It boils down to a logic board issue.
=== Fine otherwise ===
The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it.
It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily.
So iFixit community, what would you do?
+Saddly the problem does show up with external displays. Using it as a headless server is decent idea I also came across a thread on the apple discussion forums about someone with similar issues who took it apart and found that excess thermal paste and tape where blocking up the airflow.
+So that's my next step.
+Thank you for your suggestions Karl.
+much obliged.


MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo



Bearbeitet von: Kyle Wiens


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community.
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.
The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them.
It boils down to a logic board issue.
-The mbp is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just..."toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it.
-It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed to heavily.
+=== Fine otherwise ===
+The MBP is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just "toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it.
-so Ifixit community, what would you do?
+It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed too heavily.
+So iFixit community, what would you do?


-MacBook Pro
+MacBook Pro 15" Core Duo



Bearbeitet von: Kyle Wiens


MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community. 
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.

The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them. 

It boils down to a logic board issue. 
The mbp is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just..."toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it. 

It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed to heavily. 

so Ifixit community, what would you do?


MacBook Pro



Bearbeitet von: stitchrobot


-MBP ATI HD 2600 failing. What to do?
+MBP ATI X1600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community. 
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.

The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them. 

It boils down to a logic board issue. 
The mbp is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just..."toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it. 

It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed to heavily. 

so Ifixit community, what would you do?


MacBook Pro



Original-Beitrag von: stitchrobot


MBP ATI HD 2600 failing. What to do?

Original-Beitrag von::

This is by no means a new problem but i'd love to get some advice from the community. 
This is a 1st gen mbp 2.16 intel core duo.

The video ram is failing and get sporadic distortion lines in specific windows within the OS (not the whole screen in the actual redraw of windows) its persistent even if i minimize windows or move them. 

It boils down to a logic board issue. 
The mbp is perfect otherwise and has an 802.11n card and a 200gb HD so i'd hate to just..."toss it" but replacing the logic board is expensive and spending 500-600 on a new logic board doesn't really seem worth it. 

It still sort of works, but the problem seems to be getting worse and the computer has now taken to crashing when the GPU gets taxed to heavily. 

so Ifixit community, what would you do?


MacBook Pro

