@Warm Regi
What is the make and model number of the pc?
Are you having problems with 5GHz or 2.4GHZ or both?
If only 5GHz try changing the WiFi channel in the router and check again.
Try installing [https://www.techspot.com/downloads/5936-inssider.html|this] program and check the signal strength of your network and also to see if there are any other networks on the same channel that may be interfering due to having a strong signal.
Remember the signal strength is in negative dB so the higher the "number" the weaker the signal actually is. Because dB is a logarithmic measurement, every 3db is equivalent to half the strength (or double depending which direction the measurement is going) e.g. -90db is half as strong as -87dB, -93dB is 4x weaker than -87dB, -96dB is 8x weaker the -87dB etc
Usually on 2.4GHz most routers default to CH1, 6 or 11 so most everybody is on those channels as they don't know that they can be altered in the router (check the router's WiFi settings). Try altering the router channel to a "quieter" one (one with less or no appearances as shown by the program) to reduce the chances of channel interference.
Also physical obstructions and electrical interference between the router and the pc can reduce signal strength affecting performance , e.g. walls, air conditioners, refrigerators, fluorescent lights etc. (The electrical is if the appliances emit strong EMI either because of poor design or a fault)
Just some thoughts.