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Aktuelle Version von: Adi Malikul


Is my USB charging dock bad?

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-I have a Honor 6A. This happens since 2018. the charging dock cannot lock to any USB cable I tried. And recently my PC cannot detect the phone with a known working USB cable. I tried several of PC and it doesn’t work. Is my USB charging dock bad? I disconnect and reconnected the charging dock ribbon cable and it still doesn’t work. The phone charges fine.
+I have a Honor 6A. This happens since 2018. the charging dock cannot lock to any USB cable I tried. And recently, my PC cannot detect the phone with a known working USB cable. I tried several of PC and it doesn’t work. Is my USB charging dock bad? I disconnect and reconnected the charging dock ribbon cable and it still doesn’t work. The phone charges fine.


Huawei Honor 6



Bearbeitet von: Adi Malikul


Is my USB charging dock bad?

Original-Beitrag von::

-I have a Honor 6A. This happens since 2018. the charging dock cannot lock to any USB cable I tried. And my PC cannot detect the phone with a known working USB cable. I tried several of PC and it doesn’t work. Is my USB charging dock bad? I disconnect and reconnected the charging dock ribbon cable and it still doesn’t work. The phone charges fine.
+I have a Honor 6A. This happens since 2018. the charging dock cannot lock to any USB cable I tried. And recently my PC cannot detect the phone with a known working USB cable. I tried several of PC and it doesn’t work. Is my USB charging dock bad? I disconnect and reconnected the charging dock ribbon cable and it still doesn’t work. The phone charges fine.


Huawei Honor 6



Original-Beitrag von: Adi Malikul


Is my USB charging dock bad?

Original-Beitrag von::



I have a Honor 6A. This happens since 2018. the charging dock cannot lock to any USB cable I tried. And my PC cannot detect the phone with a known working USB cable. I tried several of PC and it doesn’t work. Is my USB charging dock bad? I disconnect and reconnected the charging dock ribbon cable and it still doesn’t work. The phone charges fine.


Huawei Honor 6

