I'm going to be doing a frame only replacement for my friend. Frame replacements without the screen are just bare no parts installed or anything. Apart from the button what other small parts is needed to be transferred? Also what is this thermal tape stuff I've circled in the picture do I need to transfer this over to the new frame? What's it called? [image|2347619]
I'm going to be doing a frame only replacement for my friend. Frame replacements without the screen are just bare no parts installed or anything. Apart from the volume and bixby buttons what other small parts is needed to be transferred? Also what is this thermal tape stuff I've circled in the picture do I need to transfer this over to the new frame? What's it called?
I'm going to be doing a frame only replacement for my friend. Frame replacements without the screen are just bare no parts installed or anything. Apart from the button what other small parts is needed to be transferred? Also what is this thermal tape stuff I've circled in the picture do I need to transfer this over to the new frame? What's it called?
I'm going to be doing a frame only replacement for my friend. Frame replacements without the screen are just bare no parts installed or anything. Apart from the button what other small parts is needed to be transferred? Also what is this thermal tape stuff I've circled in the picture do I need to transfer this over to the new frame? What's it called? [image|2347619]
I'm going to be doing a frame only replacement for my friend. Frame replacements without the screen are just bare no parts installed or anything. Apart from the button what other small parts is needed to be transferred? Also what is this thermal tape stuff I've circled in the picture do I need to transfer this over to the new frame? What's it called?