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Aktuelle Version von: Ejam Nadien

Original-Beitrag von::

-Can i change the ssd of Asus transformer t100ta from 32 to bigger amount? If maximum 64 or 128 i can still accept it. I know how to repair, and did we ne to format it and insert a new window. First of all, is it possible?
+Can i change the ssd of Asus transformer t100ta from 32 to bigger amount? If maximum 64 or 128 i can still accept it. I know how to repair, and did we need to format it and insert a new window. First of all, is it possible?



Original-Beitrag von: Ejam Nadien

Original-Beitrag von::

Can i change the ssd of Asus transformer t100ta from 32 to bigger amount? If maximum 64 or 128 i can still accept it. I know how to repair, and did we ne to format it and insert a new window. First of all, is it possible?

