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Original-Beitrag von: animedave03

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As of right now I used a [link|https://www.amazon.com/iFlash-MicroSD-Adapter-Video-Classic/dp/B07538C6PX/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=iflash&qid=1628475058&sr=8-4|iFlash] and a 128gb Micro SD card, Creative’s Last Firmware (1.62.02), and a Old Laptop Running XP (seriously, easiest way to flash the firmware). Follow instruction about SD Formatting for use on the iFlash HD replacement (totally a cool product for Ziff HD replacements). Then install in the Creative Zen Vision (got to be firm with the Ziff connection into the iFlash),  using the old XP Laptop then flash the firmware (I had to do it twice, failed the first time). So far other then the battery is old and worn down, its working great. Probably going to pick up another to give as a gift or sell. I enjoy rebuilding older tech that still works.

