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Original-Beitrag von: Matthew Rosenberger


How To Remove Heat Sink From Razer Blade 15-2020 (Advanced)

Original-Beitrag von::

So, minus the fact that razer is a horrible place to buy a laptop from, and bulgy battery.[br]
I have never hada problem unscrewing and pulling off a heat sink.[br]
I applied pressure, gently upward with my finger tips.[br]
Bent a corner of the heat sink lmao.[br]
How do you get the heat sink off so you can aply new thermal paste? Or just to clean it out.[br]
Seems like I am missing something and I don’t want to break-break something I can’t just fix.[br]
Any advice or suggestions will be much appreciated.[br]
Bought a new T5 torx screw kit just for this and now I can’t even open this puppy up! XD[br]


Razer Laptop

