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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

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-Can you view the camera’s other menu options OK on the screen?
+Can you view the camera’s menu options OK on the screen?
If so given that the downloaded images are also black it appears that there is either a problem with the camera’s CCD image sensor, the motherboard or both.
has the camera been dropped or gotten wet at all?
Unfortunately I cannot find any spare parts or a service manual online for your particular model. You may have better luck



Original-Beitrag von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::


Can you view the camera’s other menu options OK on the screen?

If so given that the downloaded images are also black it appears that there is either a problem with the camera’s CCD image sensor, the motherboard or both.

has the camera been dropped or gotten wet at all?

Unfortunately I cannot find any spare parts or a service manual online for your particular model. You may have better luck

