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Original-Beitrag von: Connor Fay's Tech Repair

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***Question: Why does my hazard fuze keep blowing?***

Answer: There is a short in the circuit somewhere. It could be a bad light bulb, a bulb socket, a wire rubbed through, a bad switch...something. Don't give up, you are bound to find it sooner or later.


Connect the bulb / circuit tester where the fuse connects, and then let the short hunting begin. When the light bulb goes out for the change made in the circuit, the short is then found. Make the repair, and retest. When the bulb stays out, the problem should be gone. If you want to stick with using the multi-meter, connect one lead to the fused side of the flasher circuit, and the other end to a good ground. Set the meter to read continuity...ohms. when the short is eliminated, the meter should show an open circuit. Either method should work.

