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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-@unclehank this "***Volume Control and Unable to Turn TV Off" could be the main board but it could also be the IR board. Post some good pictures of your boards with your question so we can see what you see. Sometimes damage to the main board will be visible. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+images+to+an+existing+question/21499***
+@unclehank this "Volume Control and Unable to Turn TV Off" could be the main board but it could also be the IR board. Post some good pictures of your boards with your question so we can see what you see. Sometimes damage to the main board will be visible. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+images+to+an+existing+question/21499***



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

@unclehank this "***Volume Control and Unable to Turn TV Off" could be the main board but it could also be the IR board. Post some good pictures of your boards with your question so we can see what you see. Sometimes damage to the main board will be visible. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Adding+images+to+an+existing+question/21499***

