Probably phone got a bit of water through the scratches in the screen, and i've got userspace watchdog timeout problem the log files is saying something like that
{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-12-06 13:25:03.48 +0300","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)","incident_id":"2CADE8A7-61C4-4F43-B8D4-BAA1BD14762F"}
"build" : "iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)",
"product" : "iPhone11,6",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 19.2.0: Mon Nov 4 17:46:11 PST 2019; root:xnu-6153.60.66~39\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8020",
"incident" : "2CADE8A7-61C4-4F43-B8D4-BAA1BD14762F",
"crashReporterKey" : "f3212b3e602ab2d373db1407d020ca8d52d6e226",
"date" : "2022-12-06 13:24:54.94 +0300",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff016b99bf8): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from since wake\nservice returned not alive with context : is_alive_func returned unhealthy : current ffc6ffffffffffff, mask 33ffffffffdff, expected 33ffffffffdff\nservice:, total successful checkins since wake (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds
was trying to connect another charging port but nothing changed :(
Probably phone got a bit of water through the scratches in the screen, and i've got userspace watchdog timeout problem the log files is saying something like that
{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2022-12-06 13:25:03.48 +0300","os_version":"iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)","incident_id":"2CADE8A7-61C4-4F43-B8D4-BAA1BD14762F"}
"build" : "iPhone OS 13.3 (17C54)",
"product" : "iPhone11,6",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 19.2.0: Mon Nov 4 17:46:11 PST 2019; root:xnu-6153.60.66~39\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8020",
"incident" : "2CADE8A7-61C4-4F43-B8D4-BAA1BD14762F",
"crashReporterKey" : "f3212b3e602ab2d373db1407d020ca8d52d6e226",
"date" : "2022-12-06 13:24:54.94 +0300",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 3 caller 0xfffffff016b99bf8): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from since wake\nservice returned not alive with context : is_alive_func returned unhealthy : current ffc6ffffffffffff, mask 33ffffffffdff, expected 33ffffffffdff\nservice:, total successful checkins since wake (180 seconds ago): 19, last successful checkin: 0 seconds
was trying to connect another charging port but nothing changed :(