Ok, I'ma try to make this as short as possible. The HDMI port on the computer itself isn't working with anything. Tried 3 different HDMI cables with two different display devices. I know the cords and display devices work cause I tried all 3 cables with a different laptop and everything works out fine. Tried "detect device" in the display settings menu but nothing. All drivers and software including windows is updated to the latest as of 12/27/22
Ok, I'ma try to make this as short as possible. The HDMI port on the computer itself isn't working with anything. Tried 3 different HDMI cables with two different display devices. I know the cords and display devices work cause I tried all 3 cables with a different laptop and everything works out fine. Tried "detect device" in the display settings menu but nothing. All drivers and software including windows is updated to the latest as of 12/27/22