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Original-Beitrag von: Daniel braginsky

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi ,had another problem at the same location.

After a small fall (about 30 cm's )the closing/opening arm of the screen was de-attached from the glue (yeah I couldn't believe that too but...no screws just glue ,connecting between the arm and the screen lid.)that hoding to the screen.

So I decided to open the screen up following a tutorialon youtube , glue it back(the arm) and close,finnaly i did, now everything works just fine but I really can't understand how to put the right screen cable in place so it won't pick out the cover.

I also took a reference photo from the very opening of the back cover but it looks like everything just in place.

Btw ,sry bout my english ,hope you'll understand. Thanks for helping

Adding some photos :

1.Reference photo after opening the back cover(putting everything back just in place after...)


# The problem before fixing



# The "arm" dis attached with the old glue





# Holding the part with the new glue on 😅



# The new problem : cable popping out of the cover



