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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-@morebrokenafter stay away from cotton gloves. Try powdered latex glove. The corrosion that occurs with your hands is most likely not caused by oils but by the caustic substances you leave behind (most commonly Salt). If Nothing else, do a litmus test and see what ph you come up with. In cases like yours the question should not be how to remove the oxidation, but how to avoid it. Use common tools to place components like tweezers and forceps while working with those types of components
+@morebrokenafter stay away from cotton gloves. Try powdered latex glove. The corrosion that occurs with your hands is most likely not caused by oils but by the caustic substances you leave behind (most commonly Salt). If Nothing else, do a litmus test and see what ph you come up with. In cases like yours the question should not be how to remove the oxidation, but how to avoid it. Use common tools to place components like tweezers and forceps while working with those types of components. if the components are already placed, then you will need to use plenty of flux and high grade isopropyl; alcohol.



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

@morebrokenafter stay away from cotton gloves. Try powdered latex glove. The corrosion that occurs with your hands is most likely not caused by oils but by the caustic substances you leave behind (most commonly Salt). If Nothing else, do a litmus test and see what ph you come up with. In cases like yours the question should not be how to remove the oxidation, but how to avoid it. Use common tools to place components like tweezers and forceps while working with those types of components

