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Original-Beitrag von: Darius

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I'm having the same problem.   Just glad its not an inferior trashy apple product.    I literally have had this phone since like ....dang, right before covid lock Down!! No-- I think it was like 6 months before covid actually.. and so obviously that started a few years back already,  no real issues till now.. so if I had an Apple and the same thing happened the probably would have happened within a year ---or something else would have happened to mess up there phone,  BUT BU DESIGN'--- so ... I mean,  atc'd tho, I guess I got a lot of mileage out of a stupid Samsung phone .. 3 years+. Lol.

So now that I think about it ...even if I don't get the thing fixed ,and I have to git a replacement-- that sucks n all... BUUUT... I mean , that's still WAAAAY better than spending a $1000 every year on some new garbage walkie talkie that Apple phones cost... and, i might only have to spend like 2 or 300 to get this thing replaced once every 3 or 4 years...  So now I think about it I'm actually not feeling so bad about it anymore lmao.. I'm just kind of laughing at all the Apple people!  It's funny because when the thing happened a couple hours ago I was late freaking out and I'm using my friends phone right now to type this. But actually even with the phone being all stupid and possibly fixable it's a bull and possibly we need him to be replaced I think I'm still better offten having an Apple phone that actually does work really well 6 months  In. Ha!!!!

