Hi Garrett,
You say have tried everything but obviously you haven't or you would have already fixed it.
We need data in order to help. What have you done besides what you listed above? The CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT error has many causes.
* Are you using Windows? If so which version?
* What model is your motherboard?
* Have you tried reseating RAM, video card, drive cables?
* Checked other cables?
* Updated drivers? Frequent cause of problem.
* Updated Windows?
* Did you install any apps just before the error started appearing?
***Run DISM and then SFC from the Command Prompt:***
# Type ***Command Prompt (Admin)*** in the Start menu search bar, then right-click and select ***Run as administrator*** to open an elevated Command Prompt.
# Type the following command and press Enter: ***DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth***
# Wait for the command to complete. The process can take up to 20 minutes, depending on your system's health. The process seems stuck at certain times, but wait for it to complete.
# When the process completes, type ***sfc /scannow*** and press Enter.
CHKDSK is another Windows system tool that checks your file structure. Unlike SFC, CHKDSK scans your entire drive for errors, whereas SFC scans your Windows system files specifically. Like SFC, [link|https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/nifty-chkdsk-features-use-windows-10/|run the CHKDSK scan from the Command Prompt|new_window=true] to fix your machine.
# Type ***command prompt*** in your Start menu search bar, then right-click the best match and select ***Run as administrator***. (Alternatively, press ***Windows Key + X***, then select ***Command Prompt (Admin)*** from the menu.)
# Next, type ***chkdsk /r*** and press Enter. The command will scan your system for errors and fix any issues along the way.
Are you overclocking? Turn it off.
Run Windows Memory Diagnostics? - Type ***Windows Memory Diagnostic*** into your Start menu search bar. Set it to run on next boot.
Let us know how it goes or if you need further help with any of the above procedures.