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Aktuelle Version von: The Buddy Fix Boy

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In this case, the only thing I can see is that ***click left button is broken.***
* If this item is still under warranty. It's best to make an insurance claim right away.
-* If you want to fix it yourself. Replace it with a new mouse switch (Make sure is the same item as your mouse)
+* If you want to fix it yourself. Replace it with a new mouse switch. Require soldering skill (Make sure is the same item as your mouse)



Original-Beitrag von: The Buddy Fix Boy

Original-Beitrag von::

In this case, the only thing I can see is that ***click left button is broken.***

* If this item is still under warranty. It's best to make an insurance claim right away.
* If you want to fix it yourself. Replace it with a new mouse switch (Make sure is the same item as your mouse)



