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Aktuelle Version von: Reparaturcafe

Original-Beitrag von::

-Stargate as it should look like. Problem. I replaced the inner ring. It seems I squeezed a wire that blocked the glyph ring. I have to disassemble it again.
+Stargate as it should look like. Problem. I replaced the inner ring. It seems I squeezed a wire that blocked the glyph ring. I have to disassemble it again. Where is Carter, when I need her?



Bearbeitet von: Reparaturcafe

Original-Beitrag von::

-Problem. I replaced the inner ring. It seems I squeezed a wire that blocked the glyph ring. I have to disassemble it again.
+Stargate as it should look like. Problem. I replaced the inner ring. It seems I squeezed a wire that blocked the glyph ring. I have to disassemble it again.



Original-Beitrag von: Reparaturcafe

Original-Beitrag von::


Problem. I replaced the inner ring. It seems I squeezed a wire that blocked the glyph ring. I have to disassemble it again.

