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Aktuelle Version von: Daniel

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi, yes this error points to a battery issue, a battery replacement should fix it. However it could also be pointing to a board fault near the battery or a problem with the chip on the battery. So I’m not 100% Certain a battery replacement will fix it. But certainly the cheapest and easiest thing to replace to find out.
If water got to the battery best to get it looked at ASAP. Board needs to be cleaned and tested.
+One other thing to note is the crash report is only giving data to the point the phone stopped responding. This means the water could have affected other things that the error log was unable to relay.



Original-Beitrag von: Daniel

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi,  yes this error points to a battery issue, a battery replacement should fix it. However it could also be pointing to a board fault near the battery or a problem with the chip on the battery. So I’m not 100% Certain a  battery replacement will fix it. But certainly the cheapest and easiest thing to replace to find out.

If water got to the battery best to get it looked at ASAP.  Board needs to be cleaned and tested.

