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Aktuelle Version von: Jane ElecEng

Original-Beitrag von::

On my Dyson, charging was not working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was the remains of a disintegrated standoff?
-I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle
+I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle.
+Alternatively, I could put a very short insulating standoff around the plug, to shorten the insertion length, which would be easier to manage.



Bearbeitet von: Jane ElecEng

Original-Beitrag von::

-On my Dyson, charging was not fully working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
+On my Dyson, charging was not working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was the remains of a disintegrated standoff?
I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle



Bearbeitet von: Jane ElecEng

Original-Beitrag von::

On my Dyson, charging was not fully working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
-There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was rhe remains of a disintegrated standoff?
+There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was the remains of a disintegrated standoff?
I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle



Bearbeitet von: Jane ElecEng

Original-Beitrag von::

-On my Dyson, charging was not fully working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with of without using rhe wall connector. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
+On my Dyson, charging was not fully working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with or without using the wall mount. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.
There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was rhe remains of a disintegrated standoff?
-I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle
+I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle



Original-Beitrag von: Jane ElecEng

Original-Beitrag von::

On my Dyson, charging was not fully working if the charge connector was pushed fully home, with of without using rhe wall connector. If I back the connector off slightly within the receptacle, it works.

There was a little fluffy insulating material debris in the receptacle. I got this out, but the backoff is still required. I wonder if the debris was rhe remains of a disintegrated standoff?

I shall try to make a permanent fix by fitting a a short, thin insilating sleeve or washer over the centre pin of the receptacle

