Not sure what you mean by calibrate but there are options in ''Settings > Accessibility'' that will allow you to personalize the phone a bit more to what you want.
If you mean calibrate the screen touch time on the phone go to ''Settings > Accessibility >Touch and hold delay'' and adjust it to what you want.
There are other options in ''Settings > Accessibility'' that will allow you to personalize the phone a bit more to what you want.
Not sure what you mean by calibrate but there are options in ''Settings > Accessibility'' that will allow you to personalize the phone a bit more to what do you want.
Not sure what you mean by calibrate but there are options in ''Settings > Accessibility'' that will allow you to personalize the phone a bit more to what you want.
Hi @maryhayes21669
Not sure what you mean by calibrate but there are options in ''Settings > Accessibility'' that will allow you to personalize the phone a bit more to what do you want.