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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi @allan46194
-Check that the level of the power steering fluid reservoir in the engine bay is the correct level and also that it doesn't look ''foamy.''
+Check that the level of the fluid in the power steering fluid reservoir in the engine bay is the correct level and also that it doesn't look ''foamy.''
If it looks foamy this could mean that there's air in the system, (faulty o-rings in the power steering pump?). Check all the power steering hoses/hose connections as well to ensure that they're all OK.



Original-Beitrag von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi @allan46194

Check that the level of the power steering fluid reservoir in the engine bay is the correct level and also that it doesn't look ''foamy.''

If it looks foamy this could mean  that there's air in the system, (faulty o-rings in the power steering pump?). Check all the power steering hoses/hose connections as well to ensure that they're all OK.

