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Iphone 5 booting up and down wouldn't come up and stay

ryan carter -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 Minuten - 1 Stunde


Mein Problem

I've bee working on phones and tablets for 10 yrs now on the side as i work as a full time!! So I know what it was as soon as the customer called me and told me what it was doing but he has to have his phone everyday as he owns a business and customers pay him thru his phone with credit cards. I gave him a Spair iPhone 5 that I have and told him I would have it fixed as soon as I get the part

Meine Reparatur

The battery came to day early witch was good put new battery in it and it fired right up and told him he has a warranty on the battery.. He was and still is very happy. He told me that he had the place in town put a new battery in it but worked 1day and went back to just booting on and off?? I looked and it was a $20 battery from Amazon not good please only use products that are right cheaper isn't always the best way

Mein Rat

Great company

iPhone 5 Battery Bild
iPhone 5 Battery


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