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SuccessFull Install - very happy

johnkent95 -

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS Front Panel Replacement

iPhone 3GS Front Panel Replacement

45 Minuten - 2 Stunden


Mein Problem

Dropped my phone, shattered the screen. Lived it with for awhile, debated on ordering a cheap repalcement from Amazon, read all the horror stories, did the math it was 50/50 chance of success or fail in just getting the right part. If it was wrong I would have lost the money, and still had to order it again, soo..

Meine Reparatur

Did the smart thing, ordered from IFIX.com and got the right part the first time. Package arrived in 2 days regular shipment, nicely packed, all items were there in professional arangement.

Followed instructions, and the repair took about an hour & half. I could do it again in less time, but I really wanted to be careful.

Mein Rat

My advice...order on Ifixit.com, save yourself time and hassel by doing it right first time. DEFINITLY work over a table with a towel under you. I dropped one screw, and they are litterally the size of a piece of sand or less. TINY. So make sure you have plenty of light, your in a comfortable work space, because it will take at least an hour or more. Be paitient, its not that hard.

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