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The AirPort nightmare

Martin Roberto Linares -

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Early 2011

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Early 2011 AirPort/Bluetooth Cable Replacement

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Early 2011 AirPort/Bluetooth Cable Replacement

10 Minuten


Mein Problem

I ha no wireless internet in my MacBook for like 3 years, since I noticed it was gone I thought it was the airport card due to overheating, I have a windows partition and 2 virtual machines, I put my MacBook through a lot of work. In the end, yes the card was faulty, but the cable was too, however I did not notice this until I noticed the WiFi was on and off very frecuent. And since it was way expensive buying a new laptop and the Mac OS exprerience it’s really smooth, I only use Linux and Windows for work pourposes.

Meine Reparatur

It was fast, the acces was easy, however the screws holding the bracket for the airport module were super tighten, sadly I had to break the bracket and make a new one, fortunate I have acces to numerous CNC machines, when I replaced the cable I noticed that the conector in the motherboard for the airport was heavily damaged due to overheating, I had to resolder certain pins and use some dialectric glue to make it stronger.

Mein Rat

It was a relief seeing again the wifi icon in the interface of every OS running on my MacBook, it took me 3 years, 3 long years, but it’s good, this laptop has seen a lot of work and it will continue to see as there is 2 more years of University to come.

MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Airport/Bluetooth Cable Bild
MacBook Pro 15" Unibody (Early 2011-Mid 2012) Airport/Bluetooth Cable


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