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Replacing the Nexus 5x Screen and then Back Camera

siri -

Nexus 5X

Nexus 5X LCD Screen & Digitizer Replacement

Nexus 5X LCD Screen & Digitizer Replacement

45 Minuten


Mein Problem

Cracked screen

Meine Reparatur

Screen went in fine, but I didn't have a heat gun so the camera didn't come out well and I had to order a new one and put that one in as well

Mein Rat

If you're doing this repair, make sure to take a lot of care with the back camera, it's really hard to get out without a heat gun and you will probably break something if you don't use one. Also the flashlight ability doesn't work without the camera so beware that as well.

Nexus 5X Screen Bild
Nexus 5X Screen


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