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Replaced the touch screen on an iPad 2

cstane3 -

Mein Problem

The touch screen was broke.

Meine Reparatur

Replacement touch screen was high quality. Tools were good quality with the plastic opening tools being the exception. The edges were so dull they were unusable. The rest of the iOpener package was helpful. The guides were also pretty helpful.

Mein Rat

I was hestitant to buy the heating pad and guitar picks but both made a difficult repair doable. Go through the guides thoroughly before attempting the repair. Be cautious of damaging the plastic frame between the screen and the case. Damaging it can make placing the new screen more challenging.

iPad 2 Screen Digitizer Bild
iPad 2 Screen Digitizer


Phillips #00 Screwdriver Bild
Phillips #00 Screwdriver


iOpener Bild


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